Predator In The Back Garden

Predation isn't just something that happens on the African plains: it can happen in your own backyard too!

Here is a video that we filmed just outside the house. The sparrowhawk had recently caught the blackbird, and had flown into the tree with its prey.

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Solar Eclipse 2015 UK Report

Solar Eclipse 2015 UK Report

Welcome to the Active Wild Solar Eclipse 2015 UK Report. The weather forecast was bad: cloudy and cold. Did the clouds clear or was the eclipse a big disappointment? Read on to find out ...

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The First Signs Of Spring

Great Tit

It was only a couple of weeks ago that I was writing about how cold it was.

Well, what a difference a fortnight makes! Although it's still a bit frosty in the mornings, every day seems to be getting a bit more 'spring-like'.

It's not just that the sun is shining. There are other little clues that spring is on its way...

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A Cold Spell In Southern England

Farm Machinery

Brrr, it's cold at Tin Farm.

We haven't had much snow, but the temperature has been near freezing for a few days.

And if it's uncomfortable for us in a centrally-heated house, just imagine what the wildlife is going through.

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