Wild Horses Species List: Complete List Of All Horse Species

Different Types Of Wild Horses

Wild horses are members of the horse family Equidae that have not been domesticated. The term is also used to describe feral horses – animals that live in the wild, but which are descended from domestic horses.

On this page is a list of all living horses, asses / donkeys and zebras. The list includes wild horses, together with domestic species such as the domestic horse and donkey.

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Foxes: Fox Facts, Different Types Of Foxes With Pictures

Types Of Foxes

Foxes are small to mid-sized members of the dog family known for their bushy tails, omnivorous diet and usually nocturnal lifestyle. These fascinating animals are found on all continents except Antarctica (although they are not native to Australia), and in habitats ranging from the Arctic to the Sahara Desert.

This page contains interesting fox facts, and a list of different types of foxes, with pictures. Let's find out more about these adaptable, intelligent canids...

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Animals That Start With R: List With Pictures & Interesting Facts

Animals That Start With R

Animals that start with R include mammals such as the raccoon, rats and reindeer; birds such as the raven and rheas; reptiles such as the radiated tortoise and rattlesnakes; and invertebrates such as the redback spider and rotifers.

On this page is a list containing these and many other interesting animals beginning with R, together with pictures and facts on each species.

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Types Of Wild Cats: All Cats In The Cat Family

Types Of Wild Cats

List of all types of wild cats, with pictures and facts on every species in the cat family Felidae.

Types of wild cats include big cat species belonging to the subfamily Pantherinae, including the lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard and snow leopard; and members of the subfamily Felinae, including the cheetah, cougar, lynx, bobcat, ocelot, margay, caracal, serval, fishing cat and Pallas's cat.

On this page are pictures and facts on all 41 currently recognized cat species, which includes 40 wild cat species and the domestic cat, Felis catus.

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The Fastest Land Animals In The World: List, Pictures & Facts

Fastest Land Animals

The fastest land animals in the world are the cheetah, the pronghorn, and various antelope species, including Thompson’s gazelle, goitered gazelle and springbok. Other fast animals include hares, kangaroos, horses, bison and the giraffe, zebra and African wild dog. Domestic animals such as the quarter horse and greyhound have been selectively for speed.

On this page you'll meet these and many other fast land animals...

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